Ice Cream W:OW

WOW ice cream stands for unconventional ice cream through the combinations of seemingly contradictory ingredients.



Ice Cream


Brand Identity, Packaging

WOW ice cream stands for unconventional ice cream through the combinations of seemingly contradictory ingredients.


Brand Identity

"Loud, confident, ironic, that is WOW. The brand underlines the product as well as the target group. The word WoW describes the moment when the ice cream hits the tongue. The moment in which it is realized that the combination of questionable aromas still fit together and form a harmonious taste in the mouth. The logo translates this WOW experience with the matching emoji. The emoji opens his astonished mouth."


"The logo is aimed specifically at a young dynamic target group that likes to say what it thinks and does not shy away from something new. The target group communicates mainly online, using emojis as the core of their messages." 


"The advertisement plays with the contradictoriness in a funny way. Different people are shown in front of contradictory objects. A cosmetics-interested, young woman in front of a motorcycle? does not quite fit. Stereotypes and bias in society as well as every single person are discussed. Person and object do not seem to fit together. Ice cream from WOW, with unconventional ingredients like balsamic vinegar and ginger as well. The sentence "It does not fit together?" - "We do not care!" emphasizes the self-confident appearance of the brand. Existing stereotypes and bias should be eliminated and make room for openness and acceptance."


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